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  • Tijeras de entresacar 44/20 - Acero inoxidable

    Tijeras de entresacar 44/20 - Acero inoxidable

    Tijeras de entresacar y afilar finas de acero inoxidable. Corte de precisión de 46 dientes. Garantía de por vida. Fabricado en acero de máxima calidad. Producto mejor valorado por los clientes.
  • Cizalla cónica 44/20

    Cizalla cónica 44/20

    La tijera 44/20 Taper Fine es la tijera más imitada del mundo solo en términos de publicidad y apariencia, pero su calidad nunca se duplica. 46 dientes, con garantía de por vida del fabricante. Producto mejor valorado por los clientes.
  • Tijeras de entresacar MD Barber Cato de 6,5

    Tijeras de entresacar MD Barber Cato de 6,5"

    La Cato cuenta con 28 dientes perfectamente alineados a lo largo del borde superior de la tijera y un acabado 100 % espejado. Es una de las mejores tijeras de entresacar del mercado. Disponible en acero inoxidable/plata, negro y dorado.
  • Tijeras de entresacar alemanas Morevile de 7
    Ahorre 24 %
    Precio original$39.95
    Precio actual$30.45

    Tijeras de entresacar alemanas Morevile de 7"

    La tijera de entresacar alemana Morevile de 7" es una tijera liviana de fabricación alemana. Reposa dedos removible para mayor comodidad individual.
    Ahorre 24 %
  • Tijeras de corte más delgadas de 39 dientes C-MON Cadillac - Laser Edge - 03740

    Tijeras de corte más delgadas de 39 dientes C-MON Cadillac - Laser Edge - 03740

    Acción suave y dientes dentados finos de larga duración.
  • El negro es el nuevo negro. Combinación de tijeras

    El negro es el nuevo negro. Combinación de tijeras

    2 tijeras de calidad por el precio de 1 Eladio - Tijera de corte suave y versátil de 6" Cato - Tijera de entresacar de 6,5" con 28 dientes perfectamente alineados
  • Tijeras para adelgazar el hielo Jaguar Silver de 6,5

    Tijeras para adelgazar el hielo Jaguar Silver de 6,5"

    46 dientes finos y afilados como navajas de corte de precisión Acero alemán de alta calidad Tornillo de tensión ajustable Mide 6,5" de punta a punta.
  • Tijeras de entresacar para zurdos LTC 46 44/20

    Tijeras de entresacar para zurdos LTC 46 44/20

    Diseño de anillo de dedo opuesto con marco en "A" Cuchillas convexas Afilado a mano Muescas de precisión hechas a mano LTC46 - 46 DIENTES PARA IZQUIERDOS
  • Tijeras de entresacar de acero inoxidable MD Barber de 8
    Ahorre 46 %
    Precio original$36.70
    Precio actual$19.95

    Tijeras de entresacar de acero inoxidable MD Barber de 8"

    Esta es nuestra tijera de entresacar MD de 8" para barberos y estilistas. Esta tijera es de acero inoxidable y tiene 41 dientes perfectamente alineados. Cuenta con una perilla de tensión ajustable, un apoyo para los dedos extraíble y amplias aberturas para los dedos con insertos de goma. ¡Muy cómoda de usar!
    Ahorre 46 %
  • Tijeras de entresacar Scalpmaster de 7-1/4

    Tijeras de entresacar Scalpmaster de 7-1/4" y 46 dientes

    Tijeras de entresacar de 46 dientes, templadas en frío, 100 % de acero inoxidable, con hoja desmontable y reposa dedos. Cuentan con dientes en forma de "V" para un corte preciso y suave.
  • Cizalla de entresacar Fromm Invent

    Cizalla de entresacar Fromm Invent

    Ideal para entresacar y texturizar con precisión. Mango desplazado muy ergonómico Acero japonés de alta calidad. Filo de corte suave y silencioso 28 dientes debilitados 5,75" de punta a punta Estos adelgazadores están hechos de acero japonés templado en hielo de alta calidad con un mango descentrado y un filo suave y silencioso para adelgazar y texturizar con precisión. Hoja semicovexa de alta calidad. Mango descentrado y curvado diseñado para una posición de mano abierta para reducir la fatiga del codo.
  • Tijeras texturizadoras Oster Star Performance, licuadora de 28 dientes

    Tijeras texturizadoras Oster Star Performance, licuadora de 28 dientes

    Las tijeras texturizadoras Oster Star Performance con 28 dientes ayudan a crear volumen, textura y movimiento. Los dientes dentados mantienen el cabello en su lugar mientras se peina. El mango en forma de mariposa brinda soporte y una colocación natural de los dedos. Las cantidades son limitadas para estas tijeras.
  • Tijeras de entresacar Jaguar Relax Offset

    Tijeras de entresacar Jaguar Relax Offset

    Acero alemán de alta calidad. 28 dientes perfectamente alineados y adelgazados Diseño desplazado para una posición ergonómica del mango Tornillo de tensión ajustable Aberturas generosas para los dedos Mide 5,5" de punta a punta.
  • Adelgazador de dientes C-Mon Solace de 56 dientes - Mano izquierda - Convexo-cóncavo - 08256L

    Adelgazador de dientes C-Mon Solace de 56 dientes - Mano izquierda - Convexo-cóncavo - 08256L

    Acero de alta calidad Cuchillas rectificadas con precisión Diseño ergonómico cómodo Garantía de afilado gratuita para siempre a través del fabricante. ¡Pura alegría es exactamente lo que te dará esta tijera de esteticista! ¡Fabricada con acero inoxidable 440C de la más alta calidad con una dureza inigualable! Ambos anillos giran con el movimiento de tu mano y brazo o puedes ajustarlos donde quieras que se queden. Excelente si experimentas algún tipo de malestar o sufres del síndrome del túnel carpiano. El ajuste de microesfera te permite establecer fácilmente la tensión deseada. Hojas muy pulidas, bordes doblemente afilados a mano. Este modelo es una auténtica tijera para zurdos. Hecho en EE.UU.
  • Tijeras para mezclar de acero inoxidable Seki Edge (SS-704)

    Tijeras para mezclar de acero inoxidable Seki Edge (SS-704)

    ¡MEZCLA MIENTRAS CORTAS! Ahora puedes crear un hermoso acabado para tu corte al mezclar las líneas de corte para lograr transiciones naturales de una sección a otra. Estas tijeras de 5,5″, afiladas y afiladas para un corte de precisión, son una opción económica para mezclar el cabello. Los mangos están ligeramente desplazados para mayor comodidad. El acero inoxidable está forjado en estampa y está afilado, pulido, finalizado e inspeccionado en Japón. Las tijeras para mezclar mezclan líneas de corte para lograr transiciones naturales Tijeras de 5,5″ afiladas y rectificadas para mayor precisión Acero inoxidable forjado en estampa para mayor resistencia y durabilidad. Manijas desplazadas para mayor comodidad Una tijera asequible y económica. Fabricado en China. Inspeccionado, afilado, pulido y acabado en Japón.
  • Tijeras combinadas de plata y oro

    Tijeras combinadas de plata y oro

    2 tijeras de calidad a un gran precio Eladio - Tijera de corte suave y versátil de 6" Cato - Tijera de entresacar de 6,5" con 28 dientes perfectamente alineados
  • Tijeras de entresacar alemanas para zurdos, 7″, 33 dientes

    Tijeras de entresacar alemanas para zurdos, 7″, 33 dientes

    ¿Buscas unas tijeras de precisión para entresacar diseñadas para estilistas zurdos? Esta herramienta de calidad profesional está fabricada con acero inoxidable alemán de alta calidad para lograr un filo y una durabilidad excepcionales. Diseño para zurdos: se adapta a la posición natural de su mano para un control sin esfuerzo y una menor fatiga. Tijeras de 7 pulgadas: ofrecen un agarre cómodo y mayor apalancamiento para un corte suave. 33 dientes: Proporcionan el equilibrio perfecto entre eliminación de vello y creación de textura, ideal para diversas técnicas de entresacado y texturización.
  • Tijeras de podar de 7

    Tijeras de podar de 7" y 46 dientes Kenchii Scorpion - KESC46T

    El modelo Scorpion es una tijera asequible y perfecta para principiantes o para el hogar. peluquería. La última herramienta de corte liviana. Un diseño clásico con un mango parejo para máxima comodidad. Fabricada con auténtico acero japonés, lo que permite un borde afilado que derretirá el cabello. Nuestra tecnología la convierte en una herramienta perfecta para el corte deslizante sobre cabello seco o mojado. Información del modelo Modelo: KESC Scorpion Recto : 7,0", 8,0", 9,0" Curvado : 7,0", 8,0", 9,0" Más delgado: 46 dientes (longitud total 7,0"), 24 dientes (longitud total 8,0") Detalles del modelo Mango: Parejo Borde: Semiconvexo Material: Nivel 1 Montaje: Externo Recomendado para: Todos los días
  • Tijeras de entresacar offset Jaguar Smart 39

    Tijeras de entresacar offset Jaguar Smart 39

    Acero alemán de alta calidad. 39 dientes finos y afilados como navajas de corte de precisión Diseño desplazado para una posición ergonómica del mango Acción de corte suave Mide 5,5" de punta a punta.
  • Tijeras de entresacar Roc-It Dog RT 30

    Tijeras de entresacar Roc-It Dog RT 30

    Las hojas convexas están diseñadas para proporcionar un corte suave y sin esfuerzo mediante el uso de las técnicas de afilado expertas de Centrix. El mango descentrado proporciona un agarre relajado de "mano abierta" para un corte sin estrés y una velocidad de corte mejorada. Hoja convexa de fundición de precisión: diseñada para proporcionar un corte suave y sin esfuerzo. Agarre desplazado de bajo estrés: proporciona un agarre relajado de "mano abierta" para un corte con bajo estrés y una velocidad de corte mejorada Tornillo de tensión ajustable personalizado: elimina el 50 % del volumen del cabello Reposa dedos extraíble: proporciona soporte adicional y se puede quitar fácilmente.
  • Tijeras de corte más delgadas C-MON Pinnacle de 42 dientes - Filo láser - 07843

    Tijeras de corte más delgadas C-MON Pinnacle de 42 dientes - Filo láser - 07843

    Los adelgazadores C-MON™ PINNACLE han establecido el estándar para la industria. Cada adelgazante está pulido con CNC, terminado a mano e inspeccionado individualmente. El estilo de mango corto permite al operador realizar más trabajo con menos esfuerzo y tensión en las manos y las muñecas. Excelente para adelgazar, entresacar, difuminar y estilizar. Hecho en EE.UU.
  • Tijeras de entresacar Misaki KP-05 de 8

    Tijeras de entresacar Misaki KP-05 de 8"

    Tijeras de entresacar de acero inoxidable de 8” 42 dientes Reposa dedos extraíble
  • Tijeras de peluquería clásicas ClipperGuy de Ivan Zoot

    Tijeras de peluquería clásicas ClipperGuy de Ivan Zoot

    La tijera de peluquería clásica ClipperGuy de Ivan Zoot es una versión moderna de la clásica tijera de peluquería que se ha actualizado con algunas características modernas. Es perfecta para la clásica difuminación de cabello y la reducción de volumen en aplicaciones de corte de cabello. Estas son algunas de las características principales de la tijera de peluquería clásica ClipperGuy de Ivan Zoot: Construcción de acero inoxidable para una larga vida útil y un gran filo. Diseño de 46 dientes para una mezcla perfecta y reducción de volumen. Acabado de precisión para un funcionamiento impecable y duradero. Tornillo de pivote ranurado para facilitar el ajuste de la tensión de la hoja Diseño clásico como el que adoraría tu abuelo Reposa dedos fijo para una alineación adecuada Diseño de 6,5" para un rendimiento óptimo Garantía de por vida en materiales y mano de obra. La tijera de peluquería clásica ClipperGuy de Ivan Zoot es una herramienta de alta calidad diseñada para durar. Es una excelente opción para barberos y estilistas que buscan una tijera de peluquería clásica que les brinde años de uso.
  • Tijeras de corte Kenchii Five Star Offset 46T de 6,5

    Tijeras de corte Kenchii Five Star Offset 46T de 6,5" - KEFSO46T

    La serie Five Star es una de nuestras líneas de herramientas de cuidado personal más versátiles, lo que las convierte en la opción ideal para el cuidado diario. Esta línea ofrece varias opciones para satisfacer sus necesidades de cuidado específicas y proporciona durabilidad confiable y rendimiento de corte. El mango desplazado y el apoyo permanente para los dedos garantizan una posición más natural de la mano para mayor comodidad y control. El diluyente de 6,5" - 46T ofrece un poder de corte fino para mezclar líneas de corte. El diluyente de 7,5" - 21T es ideal para mezclar y diluir de manera suave. Información del modelo Modelo: KEFSO Five Star Offset Recto: 6,0", 7,0", 8,0", 9,0" Curvado: 6,0", 7,0", 8,0", 9,0" Más delgado: 46T (longitud total 6,5") Detalles del modelo Mango: Desplazado Borde: biselado Material: Nivel 2 Montaje: Externo Recomendado para: Todos los días
  • Tijeras mezcladoras Kenchii Scorpion de 8

    Tijeras mezcladoras Kenchii Scorpion de 8" y 24 dientes - KESC24T

    El modelo Scorpion es una tijera asequible y perfecta para principiantes o para el hogar. peluquería. La última herramienta de corte liviana. Un diseño clásico con un mango parejo para máxima comodidad. Fabricada con auténtico acero japonés, lo que permite un borde afilado que derretirá el cabello. Nuestra tecnología la convierte en una herramienta perfecta para el corte deslizante sobre cabello seco o mojado. Información del modelo Modelo: KESC Scorpion Recto : 7,0", 8,0", 9,0" Curvado : 7,0", 8,0", 9,0" Más delgado: 46 dientes (longitud total 7,0"), 24 dientes (longitud total 8,0") Detalles del modelo Mango: Parejo Borde: Semiconvexo Material: Nivel 1 Montaje: Externo Recomendado para: Todos los días
  • Tijeras de entresacar desplazadas Jaguar Silver CJ4 Plus

    Tijeras de entresacar desplazadas Jaguar Silver CJ4 Plus

    Acero alemán de alta calidad 40 dientes finos y afilados como navajas de corte de precisión Anillo de pulgar en ángulo para una posición de trabajo relajada 5,5" de punta a punta
  • Tijeras de entresacar Symphony B44T Classic de 6

    Tijeras de entresacar Symphony B44T Classic de 6"

    B44T – 44 dientes, 6” de longitud. ¡El mejor instrumento para mezclar y terminar! La Symphony B44T es una herramienta increíble para terminar trabajos y cortar cerca del cuero cabelludo. La hoja larga y el patrón apretado de los 44 dientes son perfectos para marcar líneas de corte en cabello lacio. La hoja recta tiene un borde convexo y está afilada a mano tres veces. Cada diente tiene una muesca en V para sujetar el cabello y permitir que la hoja recta corte y termine el corte.
  • Kit de estudiante Jaguar ERGO

    Kit de estudiante Jaguar ERGO

    El kit básico para estudiante de barbería incluye lo siguiente: Tijeras de peluquería y entresacar Ergo Navaja R1M (gris) 10 hojas de afeitar R1 Peine de corte A500-9 (naranja) Estuche moderno GET READY (gris)
  • Kenchii Spider™ | Adelgazador de 43 dientes - 7,0

    Kenchii Spider™ | Adelgazador de 43 dientes - 7,0"

    Los adelgazadores Kenchii Spider de 43 dientes y 7 pulgadas tienen triple dentado para minimizar el deslizamiento y proporcionar un poder de adelgazamiento fino. Información del modelo Modelo: KESP Recto: 8,0" Curvado: 8,0" Más delgado: 44T (longitud total 7,0") Juegos: juegos de 8,0" para diestros y zurdos Detalles del modelo Mango: Desplazado Borde: Semiconvexo, Microdentado Material: Nivel 2 Montaje: Externo Recomendado para: Todos los días
  • Tijeras para entresacar el cabello Fromm Transform de 5,75” F1013

    Tijeras para entresacar el cabello Fromm Transform de 5,75” F1013

    Transforme su arte y alcance nuevas alturas con la belleza discreta de nuestras tijeras para entresacar el cabello en color plata mate. Ideal para: técnicas de texturización y entresacado extra suaves en cabello húmedo y seco. HOJA BISELADA: más duradera y resistente a los cortes. DIENTES DILUYENTES MICROSERADOS: Distribuye el cabello de manera uniforme a lo largo de la superficie de corte para lograr un acabado uniforme. TIPO DE ACERO: Acero japonés templado en hielo MANGO SEMIDESPLAZADO: Diseñado para una posición cómoda y ergonómica de la mano abierta DUREZA ROCKWELL: Nivel: 1 de 3 ACABADO: Plata mate
  • Cizalla de entresacar con desplazamiento Jaguar Diamond CC39

    Cizalla de entresacar con desplazamiento Jaguar Diamond CC39

    Acero alemán de la mejor calidad. 39 dientes de adelgazamiento curvados y de corte de precisión Rendimiento de corte ultra suave Aberturas generosas para los dedos Mide 5,5" de punta a punta.
  • Tijeras de corte más delgadas de 6,5

    Tijeras de corte más delgadas de 6,5" Kenchii Evolution de 46 dientes - KEEV46T

    ¡La serie Evolution es el producto más vendido original de Kenchii Professional! Este adelgazador 46T es perfecto para mezclar sin problemas y está hecho con nuestro material de nivel 3 superior para mayor resistencia y durabilidad. El mango y el ensamblaje personalizados agregarán brillo a su colección y la suavidad inigualable del corte lo hará elegir el Evolution en todo momento. Información del modelo Modelo: KEEV Evolution Recto: 5,5", 6,0" o 7,0" Más delgado: 14T, 35T o 46T (longitud total 6,5") Detalles del modelo Mango: Desplazado Borde: Convexo Material: Nivel 3 Montaje: Interno personalizado
  • Tijeras de entresacar giratorias Symphony C3000-30sw Fit Grip Pro de 5,5

    Tijeras de entresacar giratorias Symphony C3000-30sw Fit Grip Pro de 5,5"

    C3000-30sw – Cizalla mezcladora con muesca en “V” Symphony de 30 dientes. Pulgar giratorio de 360 ​​grados. Control, rendimiento y corte sin inconvenientes. ¡Libertad total! Esta tijera de pulgar giratoria de 360 ​​grados permite que los dedos y el pulgar estén siempre en una posición natural. Control, rendimiento y estilo diseñados tanto para trabajos de acabado como para cortes cerca del cuero cabelludo. Las muescas en “V” en el extremo de cada diente permiten un corte suave y sin enganches. Acero inoxidable de aleación duradera. Bordes convexos, afilados a mano tres veces y rectificados extra huecos.
  • MD Barber Shining Silver Shear Set

    MD Barber Shining Silver Shear Set

    Features 2 Silver MD Shears! Includes 1 Silver Cato Thinning Shear Includes 1 Silver Augustine Shear Great for Blending! Smooth Cutting!
  • Tondeo Expert Collection Shears - Solid box

    Tondeo Expert Collection Shears - Solid box

    STURDY ALL-AROUNDERS Experience effortless, fun hair cutting with the EXPERT COLLECTION SOLID BOX shear set. Their unique design, featuring a pronounced offset shape and broad dagger blade, allows for precise control and relaxed cutting. These sturdy shears are perfect for any technique, including slice cutting and thick hair sections. The 38-teeth thinning shears also offer optimum cutting quality thanks to the prism feature. Set contains: 1 Rock Offset 5.5 cutting shear 1 Rock Offset 5.75 texturizing shear Faux leather case Leather rubbing cloth Oil pen Setting key Individual registration number Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Orgaenic One Offset 5.75

    Tondeo Orgaenic One Offset 5.75" Tulip (32) Conblade Texturizing Shear

    ORGÆNIC ONE (32) for most hair types Discover the perfect tool for bringing out your client's unique style with the ORGÆNIC ONE texturing shears. Designed in collaboration with renowned hairdresser Thomas Brockmann Knoedler, these 5.75” texture shears are ideal for achieving a natural and organic haircut. Whether cutting dry hair or following its natural fall, these shears provide exceptional precision and premium quality. Upgrade to our PREMIUM-LINE and experience the extraordinary design and high-quality workmanship. CUTTING EDGE AND BLADE The texturing scissors have eroded serration with ultra-slice DGT cutting edge to create a tulip tooth. This contributes to their sensational sharpness and enables precise and dynamic working. The ORGÆNIC ONE with 32 teeth is especially suitable for most hair. STEEL AND SURFACE Vanadium steel gives the ORGÆNIC ONE lasting sharpness and durability. The sub-zero hardening process makes the steel even more resistant to wear, so your premium hairdressing shears work perfectly for as long as possible. The ORGÆNIC ONE also has a high-quality hand-polished finish , for a gleaming surface. ERGONOMICS AND MOVEMENT OF THE SHEARS The removable finger rest and offset handle shape mean that the shears fit the hand ergonomically, ensuring a healthy and pleasant working posture. The turn-stop screw means the hairdressing shears can be adjusted individually, preventing excessive looseness. The finely polished special ride ensures ultra-smooth cutting action. The extraordinary design of the screw adds a sophisticated touch. Top-notch quality from Solingen, a city known for its premium blades. PRODUCTS INCLUDED Our high-quality texturing shears come with a care set . The set includes shear care oil for the ride. This helps you make sure the cutting action stays effortless and smooth. Also comes with a leather cloth to keep the shears clean and in good working order. Finger inserts are included to ensure a secure grip and prevent the hairdressing scissors from slipping out of the user’s hand. The accessories are integrated into the high-quality packaging of our ORGÆNIC ONE. Premium texturing scissors with 32 teeth For an organic haircut Individually adjustable screw High-quality hand-polished finish; quality from Solingen, a city known for its premium blades Includes handy care set, leather cloth, and finger inserts Individual registration number Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Mythos Offset 5.75

    Tondeo Mythos Offset 5.75" Wave (36) Thinning Shear

    THE LEGENDARY ONE A MYTHOS has to be experienced! Experience the precision and supreme cutting sensation of Mythos Black Offset 5.75 Wave (36). Discover the true meaning of perfection and unlock unlimited potential. Crafted with exclusive vanadium alloy, every detail from the finger rest to the blade tip exudes superior quality. The convex blade, integrated cutting edge, and precise cutting angles ensure a razor-sharp cut every time. Plus, the convenient Auto-cleaner function makes maintenance a breeze. Dive into a world of unparalleled performance and experience the beauty of Mythos Black. Concentric tulip teeth on the upper blade. Noble black, high-gloss and non-allergenic titanium coating. Also available in stainless steel silver WHAT'S INCLUDED: Mythos Black Offset 5.75 Texture shear care kit with oil pen, tension key and cleaning clot finger ring inserts individual registration number Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Expert Collection Man Shear Box Set

    Tondeo Expert Collection Man Shear Box Set

    CLASSICS FOR MEN'S CUTS Perfect for creating precise hairstyles, these shears are ideal for both fine details and traditional men's haircuts. The straight and texture shears in the EXPERT COLLECTION MAN BOX are equipped with cutting-edge technology, featuring a classic design. With their streamlined lengths, you can easily achieve clean and sharp cuts. Plus, the semi-integrated cutting edge with a stable convex blade ensures long-lasting sharpness and smooth cutting action for all techniques. CUTTING EDGE AND BLADE With the semi-integrated cutting edge and long, convex blade, these barbering scissors are ideal for all cutting techniques. Perfect for slice cutting, the flat angle and shape of the hairdressing shears make them especially effective for the contour area and transitions. The texturing shears boast a polished slice cutting edge and 46 teeth with prism for an optimal cut. With a polished ride and smooth cutting action, these barbering shears will stay sharp and honed for all your styling needs. STEEL AND SURFACE The high-quality molybdenum steel used to make the hairdressing and texturing shears ensures lasting sharpness. The hairdressing shears are polished by hand, and their gleaming surface finish gives them a high-end look. ERGONOMICS AND MOVEMENT OF THE SHEARS The traditional shape gradually becomes narrower towards the front. With the help of the Easy-Click screw, experienced stylists are able to customize the tension using the provided ergonomic key. This feature allows for the perfect fit for both professional hairdressers and novice stylists. WHAT'S INCLUDED Our EXPERT COLLECTION MAN BOX hairdressing scissors sets come equipped with a special care set, complete with an oiler and care cloth to help your hairdressing tools maintain top performance for the long haul. Properly maintaining the screw system is key to maintaining the smooth cutting action. And as an added bonus, each order comes with finger rings for a secure grip and to prevent any accidental slips from the user's hand. 6.5" Oak Classic shears 6.25" Oak Class texturing shears with 46 teeth Easy-Click screw system with adjustment key High-gloss polish Care oil, care cloth, and adjustment key included Individual registration number Brand Quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Element Offset 5.75

    Tondeo Element Offset 5.75" Tulip (39) Shear

    THE PERFECT SHAPE The ELEMENT impresses with its slim silhouette, combined with the distinctive shank and the wonderfully unconventional finger ring shape. It lies in your hand perfectly and allows for extremely short movements thanks to the particularly ergonomic offset shape. The strongly shaped lower blade allows a sliding, elegant swing. STEEL Longevity and sharpness are guaranteed with Element Offset 5.75 Tulip (39). Its vanadium steel composition results in increased durability and superior resistance to wear. The sub-zero hardening process further enhances its longevity, making it an essential tool for any task. CUTTING EDGE/BLADE Curved Tulip teeth and micro-fine serration on the teeth for smooth thinning. SCREW JOINT/PIVOT POINT Customizable with adjustable TS screw (turn-stop). Finely polished pivot point for easy moving action. SURFACES High quality hand polished, glossy surface finish. SPECIAL FEATURES Organically shaped scissors with an extreme offset shape for maximum ergonomics. What's Included: finger ring inserts individual registration number oil pen tension key cleaning cloth Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Expert Collection Left Shear Box Set

    Tondeo Expert Collection Left Shear Box Set

    SIMPLE SUCCESS The straight and texture shears in the EXPERT COLLECTION LEFT BOX are designed for left-handed users who want both practicality and a unique appearance. The offset shape allows for easy and relaxed cutting, while the broad blade with a sharp edge makes slicing and trimming thicker hair a breeze. With 38 teeth, these texturizing shears offer top-notch precision. Plus, they arrive in a sleek and supple vegan leather case. CUTTING EDGE AND BLADE Get the perfect cut every time with the Expert Collection Left Box. The semi-integrated cutting edge and stable dagger blade allow for all cutting techniques, while the flat cutting angle and high stability make them ideal for thick hair. With 38 teeth design, the texturing shears provide top-notch precision. And thanks to the polished ride and sharp honing, the straight blade shears offer a smooth cutting action that lasts. Upgrade your hair game with these versatile shears! STEEL AND SURFACE Crafted from top-notch molybdenum steel, the hairdressing and texturing shears boast a sharpness that lasts. Hand-polished and finished with a dazzling gleam, these shears have a luxurious appearance. ERGONOMICS AND MOVEMENT OF THE SCISSORS The angled thumb ring supports the ergonomic shape, while the Easy-Click screw allows for personalized tension adjustment using the supplied ergonomic key. This means both professionals and beginners can use these hairdressing shears with ease. PRODUCTS INCLUDED Our EXPERT COLLECTION BOX hairdressing shears come with a personalized care set, complete with an oiler and cloth, to maintain optimal performance. Properly caring for your screw system ensures a seamless cutting experience. Finger rings are also included with each order for a secure grip and to prevent slipping while using your hairdressing scissors. Carat Left Offset 5.5 shears Carat Left Offset 5.75 Texturing shears with 38 teeth Easy-Click screw system with adjustment key High-gloss polish Care oil, care cloth, and adjustment key included individual registration number Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Expert Collection Slim Shear Box Set

    Tondeo Expert Collection Slim Shear Box Set

    FINE SHEARS FOR PRECISION CUTS The hairdressing shears in the EXPERT COLLECTION SLIM BOX boast an ergonomic offset shape and integrated finger tang for a sleek design. Precision work is a breeze with its slim cutting edge, providing easy access to the hair. Featuring a long, stable convex blade for various cutting techniques, the cutting shears ensure smooth, lasting cuts with its semi-integrated cutting edge. Ideal for detailing, the texture shears have 33 teeth with a prism for superior cutting quality. The set comes in a stylish vegan leather case with a smooth and supple texture. CUTTING EDGE AND BLADE The hairdressing shears are great for any cutting styles. Their semi-integrated blade and long convex edge allow for flawless cuts. With a flat angle, they're perfect for detailed slicing, and their slim shape is ideal for precise contours. The texturing shears have 33 teeth with a prism for the best cutting results. The straight blade has a polished edge for smooth slicing, and the polished ride ensures sharp, long-lasting precision. STEEL AND SURFACE Crafted from top-grade molybdenum steel, our hairdressing shears and texturing shears are built to maintain their sharpness over time. Each pair is meticulously hand-polished for a sleek and luxe finish. ERGONOMICS AND MOVEMENT OF THE SHEARS Get the perfect grip with our forged finger hook and adjust tension with the ergonomic adjustment key. Whether you're a pro or a novice, these hairdressing shears are designed to fit your needs. Bonus: the Easy-Click screw makes it even easier to customize your cutting experience! WHAT'S INCLUDED Get our EXPERT COLLECTION SLIM BOX and you'll receive a care set that includes an oiler and a cleaning cloth. These tools will help maintain your hairdressing shears and keep them working smoothly for a long time. Plus, each order comes with finger rings for a secure grip and to prevent any slip-ups during use. Finally each piece receives its own registration number. Crystal Offset 5.5 shear Crystal Offset 5.25 texture shear oil pen cleaning cloth vegan leather storage case with room for up to 4 shears plus accessories finger rings Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Supra Textura (15) Texturizing Shear

    Tondeo Supra Textura (15) Texturizing Shear

    ARTFUL TEXTURING Modern, efficient texturing made easy. Complete haircuts are easy to achieve thanks to the extra large catch spaces and supporting guide teeth of the SUPRA TEXTURA. The two shortened finger tangs of the classic shape make it possible in any hand position, also for left-handed users. STEEL Vanadium steel: Long lasting sharpness and longevity due to scissor alloying with increased vanadium content. Increased steel resistance to wear due to sub-zero hardening process. CUTTING EDGE/BLADE Especially smooth, dynamic texturing thanks to extra large catch spaces and 15 tulip notch teeth, each with a supporting guide tooth. Integrated cutting edge with CONBLADE. SCREW JOINT/PIVOT POINT Individually customizable thanks to Comfort-Click screw, adjustable in the finest increments using the ergonomic adjustment key. SURFACES High quality hand polished, glossy surface finish. SPECIAL FEATURES Elegant texturizing with the TONDEO structure cutting edge for particularly efficient thinning and texturing. Classic shape with 2 short finger rests for working in any hand position (also suitable for left-handed users). WHAT'S INCLUDED Our PREMIUM COLLECTION hairdressing scissors come with the care oil TONDEO DROP PEN OIL for the screw system. This helps you make sure the cutting action stays effortless and smooth. Finger inserts are included to ensure a secure grip and prevent the hairdressing scissors from slipping out of the user’s hand. The accessories are integrated into the high-quality packaging of our SUPRA. High-quality hairdressing scissors with superior cutting properties Individually adjustable comfort screw Durable and resistant to external influences Top-notch quality from Solingen, a city known for its premium blades Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Supra Doppeleffi 6

    Tondeo Supra Doppeleffi 6" Thinning Shear

    CONVINCINGLY DOUBLE Clear the stage for the space miracle: With their double-sided teeth, the catch space is doubled and offers so much space for uncut hair. This makes the Supra DOPPELEFFI ideal for dynamic work, faster thinning of long hair, and efficient wig cutting. STEEL Unleash the unstoppable power of vanadium steel! This cutting-edge alloy boosts sharpness, durability, and longevity for an unbeatable edge. With its sub-zero hardening process, this steel offers unparalleled resistance to wear. CUTTING EDGE/BLADE Concentrically wave teeth (one side with prisms and an integrated cutting edge on the other side) for extreme sharpness and concentric tulip teeth. Teeth for dynamic work and smooth transitions in longer hair. Integrated curved cutting edge with CONBLADE. SCREW JOINT/PIVOT POINT Individually customizable thanks to Comfort-Click screw, adjustable in the finest increments using the ergonomic adjustment key. SURFACES High-quality hand-polished, glossy surface finish. SPECIAL FEATURES Elegant classic with double-sided teeth (32 on each side) to double the catch spaces for uncut hair and for dynamic working. Classic shape with 2 short finger rests for working in any hand position (also suitable for left-handed users) YOU'LL RECEIVE Doppeleffi shears finger ring inserts to reduce slippage shear care kit with oil pen, cleaning leather cloth individualized registration number Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Supra Fasson Classic Tulip Conblade Thinning Shears

    Tondeo Supra Fasson Classic Tulip Conblade Thinning Shears

    THE VERSATILE ONE Stylish undercuts, trendy fashion hairstyles – this is where the SUPRA FASSON is perfect to use. Nothing seems impossible for these thinning/texturizing scissors. Even the most daring cuts are realized with ease. Distinct tulip teeth for dynamic working. Wonderfully balanced due to its classic shape with two short finger rests. Ergonomic hand position for every technique – also for left-handed users. In short: The SUPRA FASSON is quite simply essential in every salon. STEEL Vanadium steel: Long-lasting sharpness and longevity due to scissor alloying with increased vanadium content. Increased steel resistance to wear due to sub-zero hardening process. CUTTING EDGE/BLADE Tulip teeth on the lower blade with consistently large catch spaces for uncut hair for dynamic working and precise results. Integrated curved cutting edge with CONBLADE. SCREW JOINT/PIVOT POINT Individually customizable thanks to the Comfort-Click screw, adjustable in the finest increments using the ergonomic adjustment key. SURFACES High-quality hand-polished, glossy surface finish. SPECIAL FEATURES Classic shape with 2 short finger rests for working in any hand position. Turn the scissors for fade cuts and undercuts with particularly smooth transitions (also suitable for left-handed users) YOU'LL RECEIVE Supra Fasshon shears finger ring inserts to reduce slippage shear care kit with oil pen, cleaning leather cloth individualized registration number Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Supra Offset 5.75

    Tondeo Supra Offset 5.75" Tulip (34) Conblade Texturizing Shear

    THE ELEGANT CLASSIC These hairdressing texture shears in size 5.75” are an elegant classic that reflects the passion for the craft of hairdressing and can be used to cut smooth contours. Our PREMIUM COLLECTION encompasses unique shears with superior quality from Solingen, a city known for its premium blades. The black details in its look make the SUPRA TULIP an immediate eye catcher. CUTTING EDGE AND BLADE These texturing shears feature laser-cut tulip teeth. The 34 teeth create precision results. The convex blade of the SUPRA TULIP has a razor-sharp integrated cutting edge with the tiniest cutting angle. Highly practical for contours and fine work. The shears are manufactured with CONBLADE technology, which gives the cutting edge a sensationally soft cutting feeling thanks to the extremely hollow grinding of the extremely convex scissor blade. STEEL AND SURFACE Thanks to the high-quality vanadium steel, you can use your texturing shears on a long-term basis as well, since they ensure durability and long-lasting sharpness. The sub-zero hardening process makes the steel resistant to wear. The deep black screw and finger rest add visual appeal and function as true eye candy. ERGONOMICS AND MOVEMENT OF THE SHEARS The OFFSET handle shape allows for ergonomic hand posture. A practical finger rest offers added comfort. The removable finger rest provides greater comfort as well. Thanks to the comfort screw, the hairdresser can set the smooth cutting action individually to accommodate any preferences. Decide according to your preferences. PRODUCTS INCLUDED Our PREMIUM COLLECTION hairdressing scissors come with the TONDEO DROP PEN OIL care oil for the screw system. This helps you make sure the cutting action stays effortless and smooth. Finger inserts are included to ensure a secure grip and prevent the hairdressing scissors from slipping out of the user’s hand. The accessories are integrated into the high-quality packaging of our SUPRA. High-quality texturing scissors with superior cutting properties Large selection of SUPRA scissor models Individually adjustable comfort screw Durable and resistant to external influences Top-notch quality from Solingen, a city known for its premium blades BRAND CARE FOR EVERY HAND - MADE IN SOLINGEN
  • Tondeo Mythos Offset 5.75 Wave (36) Left Conblade Thinning Shear

    Tondeo Mythos Offset 5.75 Wave (36) Left Conblade Thinning Shear

    THE LEGENDARY ONE A MYTHOS has to be experienced! Feel, cut, dive into the world of high-precision and a beautiful cutting feeling. You will realize what perfection is. And everything becomes possible. Proven quality from the finger rest to the blade tip made of exclusive vanadium alloy! Super sharp thanks to convex blade, integrated cutting edge and minimum cutting edge angles. Individually adjustable and almost self-cleaning thanks to the effective Autocleaner function. That’s the MYTHOS! MYTHOS WAVE: 36 eroded, concentric tulip teeth on the upper blade. STEEL Experience the exceptional sharpness and durability of the Mythos Offset 5.75 Wave (36) Left Conblade, crafted from vanadium steel with a heightened vanadium content for maximum longevity. This revolutionary scissor alloying technique combined with a sub-zero hardening process results in unparalleled wear resistance. CUTTING EDGE/BLADE CONBLADE Experience the ultimate cutting sensation with Mythos Offset 5.75 Wave (36) Left Conblade. The extreme hollow grounding and convex blade provide maximum precision and control while the concentric tulip teeth of the thinning scissors ensure dynamic work and smooth transitions in longer hair. Passionately crafted for all your hair styling needs! SCREW JOINT/PIVOT POINT Fine-Setting screw: base tension adjustable using ergonomic adjustment key; individually adjustable in the finest increments using the adjustment dial. Finely polished special pivot point for easy moving. SURFACE High quality hand polished, glossy surface finish. SPECIAL FEATURES Special weight distribution. Premium hairdressing scissors with CONBLADE Perfect slice and cutting properties Individually adjustable screw High-quality hand-polished finish; quality from Solingen, a city known for its premium blades Includes handy care set, leather cloth, and finger inserts Individual registration number Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Countess 6

    Tondeo Countess 6" Offset Tulip (38) Conblade Shear

    THE ELEGANT ONE Discover the Countess 6.0 Offset Tulip (38) Conblade, a Premium-Line texturing shear perfect for professional hairdressing and barbering. Crafted in Solingen with vanadium steel and CONBLADE technology, it offers exceptional precision and durability. Ideal for creating texture and thinning, these ergonomic Japanese-inspired scissors feature 38 eroded teeth, a high-gloss finish, and an included care set. Whether you're looking for professional hair cutting scissors, thinning shears, or ergonomic barber tools, the Countess delivers lasting performance for hairstylists and barbers alike. Barbers check out the Earl series Purchase the Countess now and experience the ultimate tool for creating beautiful hairstyles! Shear care set included High-gloss finish Ergonomic offset handle shape CONBLADE technology with hollow grinding and convex blade Comfort screw system Direct from the manufacturer Individual registration number Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen
  • Tondeo Earl Offset 6

    Tondeo Earl Offset 6" Tulip (38) Conblade Thinning Shear

    EXTREME SHARPNESS MEETS EXTREME PRECISION The TONDEO EARL (38) thinning shears embody the perfect combination of tradition and innovation. Developed in collaboration with professional barbers, these shears are a prime example of extraordinary craftsmanship. Featuring a cutting-edge Conblade design and top-notch quality from Solingen, these scissors are a must-have for any serious barber. The 38 eroded teeth and integrated cutting edge ensure precision and sharpness, while the sub-zero hardening process guarantees long-lasting durability. The sleek and striking design, complete with a black screw, only adds to the appeal of these scissors. With an ergonomic angled thumb ring and offset handle, the scissors fit perfectly in the hand and offer a comfortable working posture. The included care set is a bonus, with shear care oil for smooth cutting action, a leather cloth for cleanliness, and finger inserts for a secure grip. Don't miss your chance to add the TONDEO EARL to your barber's toolkit today! Premium-quality thinning shears Striking design and innovative technology Precision cut Vanadium steel Ergonomic offset handle shape What's Included: Earl Offset 6.0 Tulip (38) Conblade shears finger ring inserts individual registration number oil pen tension key cleaning cloth Brand quality for every hand - Made in Solingen